Back when the world begin, all the almighty had to do was speak the word and things came into existence, and so it seems with gaming gods. During his QuakeCon 2007 keynote, id technical supremo John Carmack said he was interested in making a DS version of Quake Arena that played like Doom II’s deathmatch - by which we assume he wants to make a DS shooter that’s just about online shooting.
However, having played Metroid Prime Hunters - an experience Carmack said that was really cool at first, but difficult over extended periods of time - it seems the game will have automatic height targetting to get around the problem of fluid 3D aiming via the touchscreen and stylus - hence the mention of Doom II gameplay as all you had to do in that game was shoot and strafe.
But without an official publisher yet in place, we’ll have wait to see how and when Carmack’s thought bubble actually translates into a DS game cart. Still, if nothing else turns up, he can always tap his missus’ company Fountainhead, which is making the DS version of his mobile game Orcs & Elves.