Monday, 6 August 2007

Get Pocket Gamer on your mobile phone, PSP or DS

At last! To get Pocket Gamer on your mobile, PSP or DS, simply go to your device's web browser and type in:

Or, if you want an even easier life just text PGamer to 60300 and we'll send the link straight to you!*

Now, a bit of an explanation. Here at Pocket Gamer, we like to think of ourselves as champions of portable technology. Be it mobile phones, handheld consoles or even MP3 players, if it entertains and you can slip it in your pocket, chances are we'll give it our thumbs up.

Although we certainly talk the talk, until recently we've set a rather bad example at walking the walk. Granted there is a rather natty mobizine version of our site, which offers mobile users the chance to catch up on the top news stories of each day, but if you wanted to browse more news or check out our reviews you'd need to head home, or at least to a netcafe.

Not any more! We've put our content where our mouth is and made the whole kit and kaboodle (well, the news and reviews at least) available to browse anywhere on your mobile phone, DS or PSP.

We're testing the service in beta mode right now to iron out the bugs, but we thought it only fair that you, our loyal readers, be allowed to have a play with it as well.

If you do have a problem with the service on your handset or device, please do let us know, either by emailing us or in the comments below, so we can try and sort it out.

Once again, to get Pocket Gamer on your mobile, PSP or DS, simply go to your phone's web browser and type in (that last bit is dead important, because otherwise your phone will probably try to access the web-optimised version, which isn't very mobile friendly).