Pocket Gamer is over a year old, and every month our readership has increased. Equally, so has the amount of features we've posted. Multiply the first number by the second and, well, we've written some stuff you've probably missed.
Here then are just a few of our favourite oldies in one place, with a focus on enduring stuff rather than previews or interviews. Think of it as a tour around a country estate, minus the hunting jackets and hounds at heel, and with more, erm, games.
Mobile phone related favourite features
- The top 50 mobile games of 2006, and the 25 most innovative mobile games around about the same time.
- Mobile game platforms explained: how to tell Java from BREW and Symbian OS from a Star Wars droid.
- Are mobile game controls improving fast enough?
- Mobile game translations that make us smiling. (Geddit?)
- Why mobile games need a mobile mascot.
- Are ad-funded games for free the future of mobile games, and do services like HOVR (reviewed here) do the job?
- What if Sony Ericsson made a PSP mobile phone...
- Our mobile How Tos explain how to buy and download games from phone operators such as Vodafone Live and 02.
- DS Most Wanted: The 10 games we demand for DS NOW!
- The 10 best DS games of 2006, and the 10 worst DS games ever.
- How Western game developers fail to create decent games for Nintendo DS (with proof!)
- Our stonking DS Homebrew review covers non-official software made for the dual-screened console (scroll down after the jump).
- It's time to refresh your DS games collection for 2007.
- How to spot pirated DS cartridges on eBay.
- Crunching Metacritic proves DS's innovation advantage.
- The 10 best PSP games of 2006, and the worst 10 PSP games ever.
- Three reasons to be cheerful about the future of PSP.
- 23 places to get PSP content for free.
- PSP: One year on. Our long-term review of Sony's handheld.
- The ultimate PSP rumour rundown.
- Five PSOne games we'd love to see sparkle on PSP.
- A guide to travelling with your PSP about Europe.
- How to choose what game to buy and play when you're out of time.
- Pocket Gamer's ultimate handheld (a dream, rather than a reality).
- Why the iPod still needs iPod games.
- Exploring the Texas Instruments Homebrew scene.
- Games for games lovers on Valentine's Day.
- Women in games discuss women in games.
- Nightmare dates: Our theory on why games slip.