Monday, 6 August 2007

Pocket Gamer's most popular features

Pocket Gamer is over a year old, and every month our readership has increased. Equally, so has the amount of features we've posted. Multiply the first number by the second and, well, we've written some stuff you've probably missed.

Here then are just a few of our favourite oldies in one place, with a focus on enduring stuff rather than previews or interviews. Think of it as a tour around a country estate, minus the hunting jackets and hounds at heel, and with more, erm, games.

Mobile phone related favourite features

DS features and opinion, ranked by popularity
PSP features that struck a chord
Miscellaneous: multiformat stories and oddballs
Also check out our Buyer's Guide to the best games, our huge range of How To walkthroughs for all formats, and our Release Calendar of upcoming games. All can be made format specific by first choosing the appropriate tab (e.g. Mobile or PSP).